What We Believe


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Generation Grace Core Beliefs


Our faith rests solely on the Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. It was penned by holy men appointed by God who were guided by the Holy Spirit. Within the New Testament, we hold the Bible as our unwavering compass for matters concerning doctrine and behavior.  God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe.  He has eternally existed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  These three are co-equal and are one God. 

The Trinity 

Our faith acknowledges the concept of the Trinity, where one God is revealed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are equal in essence. God the Father holds the highest position. Jesus, the Son, is described as the Word incarnate, the unique son of the Father, who has been present with the Father since the start. The Holy Spirit emanates from both the Father and the Son, serving as our support, comfort, reinforcement, defender, mediator, and constant presence.

Jesus Christ

Our faith holds that Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second entity of the Trinity. Jesus, while on earth, embodied both 100 percent divine and 100 percent human attributes. He stands as the sole individual to have lived a perfect life without sin. Born of a virgin, He led a sinless life, performed extraordinary feats, was crucified to atone for humanity's sins through His blood, and subsequently rose from the dead on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. After His resurrection, He ascended to the right hand of the Father and will come back with power and magnificence. We affirm that the sinless blood Jesus Christ shed at Calvary's cross is fully capable of purifying humanity from all sins. Jesus willingly bore the punishment for both our sinful nature and our transgressions, granting freedom from the consequences of sin, namely death, to all who believe.

The Holy Spirit

We hold the belief that the Holy Spirit manifests through a range of spiritual gifts to strengthen and purify the church, validate the resurrection, and affirm the Gospel's power. The Bible's catalog of these gifts may not cover all possibilities, and they can manifest in different combinations. It is essential for all believers to eagerly seek the display of these gifts in their lives. These gifts always align with the Scriptures and should never be misused against Biblical guidelines.


We believe that physical healing for the human body is attainable through the power of God manifested in the prayer of faith, the laying on of hands, or the supernatural gifts of the Spirit. This healing is part of Christ's atonement and is accessible to every member of the Church today.


Jesus emphasized the importance of being born again for salvation. The New Birth is essential for everyone, leading to eternal life upon experiencing it. Salvation is attained through faith in Jesus Christ - His death, burial, and resurrection, as a gift from God, not earned through good deeds or human endeavors.

Heaven & Hell

  • Heaven is seen as the everlasting abode for all who embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those listed in the Lamb’s Book of Life will gain entry into heaven.
  • Conversely, individuals who pass away without acknowledging and declaring Jesus Christ as their Lord are considered to be irretrievably lost for eternity.
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